The PA Wilds Business Signage Grants program, a mini-grant program that offers funding to local businesses to help them pay for new signage, has been renewed for 2011. The PA Wilds consists of a huge wildlife area (more than 1.5 million acres of state forest and 29 state parks) that covers 12 counties in the north-central region of Pennsylvania.
Made possible by funding from the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the program is designed to encourage small businesses in the Wilds to improve the look and feel of their storefronts. This creates a better and more modern looking community, and allows for more potential customers for the business.
Grant recipients are encouraged to use a standard voluntary planning guide when upgrading their signage. The guide highlights how communities in the region can protect or enhance their rural character as they grow – whether that growth is due to tourism, drilling or other industries. It also promotes using natural construction, design and landscaping materials or themes that the region is known for.
Grants are available in amounts up to $1,500, and the deadline to apply is April 15, 2011. If interested, visit