The Accelerated Review Process (ARP) offers grants up to $50,000 to small businesses engaged in innovative research or technology solutions in manufacturing, software development, product development and commercialization. Grants will fund up to 80 percent of labor costs and 50 percent of sub-contractor costs.
The Digital Technology Adoption Pilot Program (DTAPP) provides grants to small businesses of up to $100,000 for projects that increase productivity through the use of digital technology. The grants of $100,000 includes up to 80 percent of labor and 75 percent of sub-contractor labor.
Larger research and development projects are eligible for the Mid-sized Project Grants. These grants are a good fit for small businesses engaged in larger projects such as creating original new software, developing new products, or working on other forms of research and development projects.
The Youth Employment Program (YEP) Grants for Hiring covers 50 percent up to $15,000 for hiring youth age 15-30 for the first 12 months only. Hires cannot be just anyone but those who contribute toward the company's technology and become an important member of the team.
For more information, visit www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/irap/services/index.html