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Tips for Managing Waste in Your Business

Tips for Managing Waste in Your Business

Environmental consciousness has become a growing concern for many businesses in recent years. As a result, many companies have begun to think more critically about the amount of waste they produce and their overall effect on the environment. For larger companies, however, waste management is often the last thing on the list of priorities. The following tips for managing waste in your business will help you make waste management a larger priority in your company.

Conduct a waste audit

In order to establish a reliable waste management program for your business, you must first understand the amount of waste your company expels on a regular basis. The most efficient way to do this is by conducting a waste audit. You can do this internally or with a professional service. The audit will provide you with valuable information regarding the quantity and type of waste your company produces.
Begin by establishing a team and time frame for your waste audit. During the established time frame, team members will take stock of all the refuse your company produces. This will take a bit of hard work, so be sure to choose team members who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. Once you’ve conducted the initial audit, you’ll be able to see the areas in which your company can scale back its waste output.

Establish a recycling program

One of the best tips for managing waste in your business is to establish a company-wide recycling program, which can have many environmental and economic benefits. You may be surprised at how much of the waste you produce daily you can actually recycle. Establishing a company recycling initiative will reduce your company’s contribution to landfills and make your business more environmentally friendly in the long run. The results of your waste audit will come in handy when it comes to deciding which items you can and can’t recycle. Provide all office spaces with several recycling bins, and be sure to thoroughly train employees on the new recycling program. Post notices around the office as to what type of products employees can and can’t recycle, and encourage employees to be mindful of the products they’re throwing away.

Eliminate single-use items

Single-use items play a large part in the amount of waste companies produce. Disposable cups, plates, and plastic utensils are common waste offenders in many offices. Doing away with these items entirely will reduce the amount of waste your company produces while lessening the harmful impact on the environment. To replace these single-use items, consider installing an energy-efficient dishwasher and stocking the break room with reusable plastic plates. Providing each employee with a reusable water bottle will also reduce the amount of waste generated by plastic water bottles or Styrofoam cups.

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