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Improving Accessibility in Your Public Restrooms

A public restroom's accessibility stall. There is a wall-mounted toilet, grab bars, and a small mirror located near the floor.

Everybody needs access to safe, comfortable, and sanitary restrooms. Whether it’s your employees, customers, or clients, you should be able to provide a safe environment for people to do their business, wash their hands, and get back to their days. Since some people have specific needs and may need accommodations, you can follow these simple guidelines for improving accessibility in your public restrooms. Providing a safer and more secure bathroom ensures that everyone can use your facilities without worry.

Installing Proper Features

If you want to offer an accessible bathroom, having the right features makes a big difference. Is there enough space for people with physical disabilities to get around comfortably? Do you understand the role that grab bars play in accessibility? The right handrails and positioning can make a big difference in creating a facility that people of all different abilities can use.

When in doubt, you can research the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) about what sort of additional features you may need in your restroom. These guidelines can help you figure out not only what you need but also where you should place it to get the most useability out of it.

Having Accessible Stalls

When improving accessibility in your public restrooms, one of the best things you can add is a specialized stall for those with disabilities. These stalls generally have more room, available grab bars, and even a designated sink for washing up afterward. The accessibility stall is a must-have when you have a restroom with multiple stall options. Take the time to confirm that you have the right dimensions for the size of the stall and that it adheres to all ADA guidelines.

Using Slip-Resistant Flooring

Not all accessibility options are specifically about following ADA guidelines, and there are additional features that can help protect you and your patrons in the long run. Bathrooms are one of the most common sites of accidents, thanks to the combination of wet surfaces and tile flooring.

You can protect your employees, customers, and yourself by investing in slip-resistant flooring to minimize the likelihood of these accidents. It’s an extra cost but also a smart investment for those looking to keep their bathrooms safe and avoid any legal trouble.

Having a safe, secure, and accessible bathroom goes a long way in building a positive atmosphere for the people that use your facilities. With these tips, you can build a restroom that everyone can appreciate and use comfortably.

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