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USDA Offering Rural Business Grants

If you own a business in a rural area - an area other than a city or town that has a population of greater than 50,000 - you may qualify for the USDA's Rural Business Enterprise Grants (RBEG) Program.

The program provides grants for projects that finance the development of small and emerging rural businesses. There is no required maximum level of grant funding. However, smaller projects are given higher priority. Generally grants range $10,000 up to $500,000.

The USDA, if you didn't know, is the United States Department of Agriculture. It is a federal government agency that is administered directly by the White House and Congress. This opportunity is very legit, and the funding available is very real.

Examples of eligible fund use include: Acquisition or development of land; construction, conversion, renovation of buildings, plants, machinery, equipment, access streets and roads, parking areas, utilities; pollution control and abatement; capitalization of revolving loan funds including funds that will make loans for start ups and working capital; training and technical assistance; distance adult learning for job training and advancement; rural transportation improvement; and project planning.

For more details and/or to apply, visit or call (800) 670-6553 to get in touch with your local USDA service center.

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