A total of 56 small businesses in the state of Pennsylvania recently received grants through the Pennsylvania Small Business Advantage Grant program. The grant money is intended to fund energy efficiency or pollution prevention projects by small businesses.
The grants are funded by the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act and target projects that will save 25 percent a year in energy costs or pollution prevention. The amount of the grants are 50 percent of project costs up to $9,500. The projects can include upgrading HVAC and boiler systems, high-efficiency lighting, and waste recycling. Energy Star rated equipment covered under the Energy Star Program is also included.
Small businesses eligible for the grant must have 100 or fewer employees and be for-profit businesses. The businesses also must be located in Pennsylvania. The total grant amount awarded to the 56 businesses was $418,049.
The Small Business Advantage Grant program, managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, has invested $6.6 million in 1,642 small businesses throughout Pennsylvania since 2004. The program, in turn, has encouraged private-sector investment in small business totaling more than $26 million.
For more information, visit http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/small_business_ombudsman/10493