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Professors Share Their Grant Money with Small Businesses in Nebraska

Rural Futures Institute
It's not an easy task to find grant money if you are a small business owner in rural Nebraska. It's even more uncommon for someone to actually share their grant money with you. But that is exactly what happened recently in Kearney, Nebraska.

Two professors at the University of Nebraska in Kearney received teaching engagement grants of $2,500 each from the Rural Futures Institute. They decided to use the money to help support rural small businesses, and even got their students involved in the process. The challenge for the students was to find local businesses interested in applying for the grants.

The program resulted in teaching students at the University of Nebraska valuable information about rural economics. Many of the students are from rural communities. The result was an enriched educational experience for the students as well as proposals from local, rural small businesses and the selection of two businesses to receive the grant awards.

The project was initiated by an associate professor in biology and a senior lecturer in mathematics and statistics. Their grants were originally awarded by the Rural Futures Institute (RFI). RFI is an international organization dedicated to sustaining the future of rural communities. The organization depends on talent and resources from the University of Nebraska to develop programs that help support people and businesses in rural areas.

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