Operation HOPE, headquartered in Los Angeles, specializes in helping small business owners who are located in underserved neighborhoods. Entrepreneurs in low-income neighborhoods, often in minority communities, provides a combination of business training and financial counseling with lending services to help small business owners become successful.
Services include small-business financing options, assistance in setting up a business plan and financial statements, credit counseling and educational resources. Workshops and training programs provide information on credit and money management, entrepreneurial training, and small business development. They even offer accounting and marketing advice, and assistance with computer and Internet access.
Operation HOPE is a nonprofit private banker for low-income, underserved working families and businesses. They were formed in 1992 and are located in more than 300 U.S. cities, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates.
Learn more at www.operationhope.org/small-business