There are so many platforms to choose from when you’re looking to selling in the e-commerce market. The internet presents a vast market with countless seller options. Different platforms offer different advantages and opportunities. Discover the best platforms to sell products on to grow your brand awareness.
Etsy is a platform where small businesses and individuals can sell and promote their homemade or handmade items. If the products you sell are those of your own creation, this is a great platform to help you improve your brand awareness. People who shop on Etsy are looking to support small businesses and creators. If customers see something they like on your page, they’re highly likely to tell others about it.
Etsy raises brand awareness through mostly word-of-mouth recommendations and social media platforms, as many people reference Etsy shops in posts about products they like.
Your Own Business Website
Creating a website for your business that allows you to display and sell your products is one of the most fundamental ways to build your brand awareness. A reliable and professional website adds layers of credibility to your brand and makes people more comfortable sharing it with others.
Your own business site also provides you with the opportunity to sell your products without paying the seller fees that other established e-commerce platforms often require. Saving the seller fee increases your profit margins considerably while giving you a brand identity that is unique and unconnected with other brands.
Amazon is one of the most convenient ways for consumers to find your brand. Looking into the different types of Amazon ads is also a great idea for maximizing visibility and awareness on the platform. The advertising on Amazon is typically beneficial in both paid and organic search result spots. The more visible your brand is, the more awareness you’ll build with your established and potential customers.
There are countless other platforms to sell products on to grow your brand awareness. These three are just a few popular options that will offer you various benefits and help your business build a loyal and diverse following.